Author Archives: phocean

Quick tip: harden your ARP table the easy way (Linux)

ARP spoofing is a good old attack on LAN and still a devastating one, leading to trafic interception (MiTM). You may want to make sure that nobody is tricking on you at office, at a security conference, at you local coffee shop, etc.

Yet, most networks do not have port security and ARP inspect on their switches to mitigate such attacks. So you have to count on yourself.

Most people know how to protect a client , e.g. by maintaining a static mapping of MAC / IP addresses on the operating systems. But almost no one does it, because it would be a pain to manage…

But, really ? No, here is what I do to get a reasonable protection.

I do a few compromises at first:

  1. I am not looking to protect ALL my traffic toward  other peers on the LAN, but at least outbound communications with the gateway and, optionally, with a few critical servers.
  2. An attacker may still poison the gateway and eavesdrop on responses directed to my machine, and get some interesting stuff anyway.
  3. So, this is not a protection on its own. You have to think defense-in-depth : encryption on all your services (TLS), VPN, etc. Especially, depending on where you are, do not rely on the DNS / DHCP servers.

With that said, what follows is a hardening move that you can do on most of Linux distributions, with little pain.

Get the MAC address of the gateway, either by finding it out physically (tag) or by checking it at a safe moment (when ARP spoofing is supposedly not happening).

Fill in a flat file, like /etc/ethers, with mappings like :


Now, NetworkManager will do all the magic.

Create a script like :

 % cat /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/40-arp 
 arp -f /etc/ethers

All scripts in the above folder will be executed every time an interface gets up, as long as you give it executable rights :

% chmod +x /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/40-arp

Now, either execute it directly or unplug / plug back in your interface. You should have a permanent static MAC address now, effectively bypassing the ARP protocol and its weaknesses :

% arp -a -n
? ( at 00:15:17:9d:d6:d1 [ether] PERM on eth0

Voilà! Should you not use NetworkManager for some reason, you can do something equivalent with ifup scripts in respect with the syntax of you current Linux distribution.

But, let me stress it out once more, to be sure you don’t get me wrong :

Despite an enhancement, this is no a sufficient protection and you may still get pwned ! Authentication and encryption MUST also come into the play, so use only TLS enabled services, HTTPS sites and, ideally, a good IPSEC / SSH / TLS tunnel to carry ALL of your traffic !

Installation of Metasploit on Fedora 21 / 22

Update 2015/08/04: Works on Fedora 22 too. I recently applied the exact same procedure with success.

A quick update from a previous post for setting Metasploit on Fedora 21, the latest version.

It is mainly a copy and paste, except for a few typo fixes and some changes on the Ruby part. The good news is that Metasploit was recently ported to Ruby 2.x, so we don’t need anymore the rvm stuff anymore, which makes the process much simpler.

Preparing Postgresql


 yum -y install postgresql-server postgresql-devel

Initiate a new “cluster” and connect to the sql client through the postgres user:

# as root:
postgresql-setup initdb
systemctl start postgresql.service
su postgres

Inside the psql console, create the new Metasploit user and its database:

create user msf;
alter user msf with encrypted password 'super password';
create database msfdb;
grant all privileges on database msfdb to msf;

Then, we will tell to Postgres how to accept local connections. ident necessitates an system account, trust means no password for any local account and md5 stands for a classic password authentication, which we will prefer.
Back to a root terminal, add this line inside /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf and beware that the order is important:

# IPv4 local connections:
host msfdb msf md5
host all all ident

Then we can restart the service and check with psql that the credentials are working:

systemctl restart postgresql.service
psql -U msf msfdb -h localhost

Setting Ruby

Metasploit runs well with Ruby 1.9.3, so we will install this version and switch to it using rbenv.
rbenv does a nice job at managing several version of ruby next to each other, installing dependancies (as OpenSSL) and setting PATH:

# as root:
yum install ruby rubygems ruby-devel rubygem-bundler

Getting and running Metasploit


# as root in e.g. /opt
git clone msf
cd msf
yum -y install libpcap-devel sqlite-devel

The installation of ruby modules will take a while. Then, configure the database by creating config/database.yml:

    adapter: postgresql
    database: msfdb
    username: msf
    port: 5432
    pool: 75
    timeout: 5

Launch it and have fun :

# as root
# check connection to the database

You may want to add a cron entry in /etc/crontab to get regular updates (though it may break from time to time due to broken dependencies, so you are advised to check it sometimes):

# msfupdate every 2 hours
0 */2 * * * root /opt/msf/msfupdate 2>&1

Testing Heartbleed vulnerability

No fresh news, but I had been wanting to test the Heartbleed vulnerability for a while and just missed time.

I used the following quick setup:

  1. Debian 7.0 virtual machine as a vulnerable host
  2. Heartleech tool. There are many other tools around, but this one was suggested to me by a coworker, who used it successfully during a pentest.

Getting a vulnerable host in your own environment is not that trivial, as most OS have now been patched (including the installation ISO of supported versions).

In my quest, I ended up with Debian 7.0 (Debian 6.x are too old and actually do not suffer from the vulnerability).

To download an old and unpatched installation image of Debian, you need to use Jigdo. This tool will download all packages from the archive site of Debian and rebuild the ISO:


Then, create a virtual machine with no network card, to make sure that the installation process does not retrieve any patch.

Once the Debian virtual machine is set and running:

  1. Edit <code>/etc/apt/source.list</code> to comment out lines concerning security updates (keep only the DVD enabled)
  2. Add and configure a network card (<code>eth0</code>)
  3. Install Apache2
  4. Enable SSL: a2enmod ssl
  5. Enable the default SSL web pages: <code>e2ensite default-ssl</code>
  6. Open a browser to check that it all works at <code>https://hostname</code>

Using heartleech is incredibly fast and straightforward:

heartleech % ./heartleech --autopwn
--- heartleech/1.0.0i ---
786648 bytes downloaded (6.293-mbps)

You can also dump the memory in a file:

./heartleech --cert /tmp/debian --read /tmp/test

To further look for interesting content with strings or any parsing tool (Yara?) of your choice.

It gives also an alternative method to retrieve the private key. First, download the public key from your browser to a file and apply it to the dump to look for the matching private key:

./heartleech --cert /tmp/debian --read /tmp/test
--- heartleech/1.0.0i ---


You may check this page to get information on vulnerable versions and remediation.

RF fun with a SDR

So this post will be the first of a series on fun “hacking” hardware that I own.

I just received my RTL-SDR to play with radio frequencies.

This one is based on a RTL2832U chipset and a R820T tuner. My choice was in part influenced by this review. Note that this kind of device isa receiver, so it will not be able to transmit anything.

Keedox RTL-SDR (RTL2832U with R820T tuner)

This model has the advantage of being really small, but maybe at the costing of heating. I noticed the USB connector becomes painfully hot during long sessions. Nothing serious, but a negative point though.

Of course, it is fully compatible with Linux and Gqrx even maintain a package for Ubuntu, so getting it to work consists simply in one apt-get command.



I already intercepted a few conversations on the AM 430Hz range, and a lot of weird signals (many are probably car or parking doors) all over that I recorded and will look at later.

Well, it is fun! Thanks to @virtualabs for bringing it up to my interest.