I made a few improvements (at least, I think they are) to the metasploit-frameword Dockerfile :
- A volume from the container /root/.msf4 to $HOME/.msf4, so that you can benefit from your customized prompt, scripts and modules anytime and have persistence on them. In other words, just manage them on your host and they will be readily available to the msf container.
- A volume from the container /tmp/data to the host /tmp/msf, so that you can get access to dump files and stuff like that.
- Tmux window manager tool, so that you can easily navigate between msfconsole, bash and other sessions.
- nmap network scanner, just because sometimes it may be useful (along with its ncat).
- nasm, to support your custom encoders.
It is all up-to-date in its github repo. I will keep adjusting it, if I feel something is missing.
I hope I did it the right way, let me know what you think!