Category Archives: Defense

OpenID rants

After I tried to set this blog as my own OpenID provider using the OpenID WordPress plugin, I got a weired error message:

“This is an OpenID Server, Nothing to See Here… Move Along”

I could not find what as wrong, as all prerequisites were fulfilled, until I find this nice post. The patch there works very well, thanks to the author (it is a shame that it wasn’t yet included in the trunk).

This and the lack of active open-source development around OpenID seems to show that it is not really popular. It is a shame because it is a pretty good solution against the multiplication of passwords. I wouldn’t want to use OpenID for my bank account access, but it is just right for many sites, forums, etc. Unfortunately, no many sites are yet OpenID enabled and the choice when you want to become your own provider is very limited (most of projects listed in the official wiki are dead, with no update for the last 2 years).

Books review

I just finished reading two electronic books I bought from O’reilly. Here is a short review on them.

Hacking: the next generation

The purpose of this book is to give to the readers an overview of the most common attacks nowadays. It covers all fields : social engineering, web attacks, networking, etc.
It was easy to read : the authors are straight to the point and their sentences are clear.

I especially appreciated their state of art about XSS and CSRF attacks. It is certainly the best I have read so far, greatly illustrated with exciting and real case studies.

On the other hand,  I quickly passed over the networking stuff (both wired and wireless). It was too basic and didn’t show anything new – maybe it is because I specialize in those fields.

Anyway, globally, I strongly recommend this book. It is worth while your money if you want to know more on web attacks or to have a good overview of modern threats.

Beautiful Security

This is a collection of essays by some of the best security experts and hackers.

Well, I won’t go around, I have been quite disappointed by this book. The overall lacks coherence and after a while you start wondering what this book is trying to demonstrate. At the end, there is a crual lack of connection between the essays and it globally makes it appear very confusing.

It also sometimes lacks technical references and the writing style is too verbose, too literal for a technical book to be attractive.

There are however some good essays, like one about PGP (by Philip Zimmermann himself, though). It is hard to find some good and complete documentation about it, and this essay is definitely a good one, which I will probably read again when I feel the need of it.

But I wouldn’t recommend this book only for this short piece of writing. Lack of cohesion, too much litterature and not enough technical stuff actually bored me, though that’s just my personal taste.

Simulated massive cyber attack filmed by CNN

This video, while “amusing”, is quite interesting :

Though not many details are given, I am quite skeptical about the possibility of such a massive attack.

However, it shows well that security is not just a technical matter. It has many implications in law, politics, economics, and a whole information system must be prepared to that, starting with our leaders.

That would be a HUGE effort for our politicians here in France – if they ever care…

Netios 0.72

Netios 0.72 fixes some bugs with the show_run mode and large config files. I also found some issues concerning the prompt detection, so it should be fixed now.

Complete changelog :

2010-01-14  (0.72) phocean <>

2010-01-14  (0.72) phocean <>

* : forgot to remove a debug print
* : finish and fix a bunch of bugs in the show run function, format the config file properly
* : fix the prompt regex

Check there (tools page) for more details and a download link.

Netios 0.71

I release a new version of Netios : 0.71.

There are a lot of changes, starting with cosmetics, but the biggest one is the support of multiprocessing.

It is now able to process several routers at the same time, so using it on a large list of machines results in a big speed up.

A downside is that it now requires at least Python 2.6, as multiprocessing started to be supported with this version only. Most Linux distributions now include Python 2.6, but still not all. Anyway it will be more and more the case. If you can’t uprade your distribution, you can stick with 0.60 which still do most of the work fine.

It is also now able to fetch a configuration file remotly, but it requires more testing before I feel confident in the way it works.

The complete changelog :

2009-12-20  (0.71) phocean ;

2009-12-20  (0.71) phocean ;

* : handle correctly the cisco pager — More — so that “show run” mode should work even with large config files
* : allow to override terminal size system settings (make use of the cisco pager to avoid filling the buffer)

2009-11-16  (0.70) phocean (private release)

2009-11-16  (0.70) phocean (private release)

* implement multiprocessing
* improve code documentation
* clean up UI
* reduce useless logging
* : bug : missing startTime parameter in f_skip_error and f_command functions

I cross my fingers so that there are not too many bugs, but if so, please don’t forget to report it to me.

Check there (tools page) for more details and a download link.